Friday, August 28, 2009


Semester results have been released yesterday, finally. It was not announced that the results were out, not even on the general announcement board of e-Advantage by UCSI. The news was somehow discovered and spread by somebody else. They were just somehow efficient. =P

Anyway, I already knew my results. To be frank, my results do not seem to be satisfactory to me, especially CALCULUS. This freaking fucking subject dramatically lowers my CGPA. Hell I totally hate this subject. Fortunately there won't be maths no more in the coming semesters. Thank god. =X I'm still fine with other subjects.

Nevertheless, Java really did not turn out to be what I have expected. I thought I could get an A+ for it. T.T I ain't being haughty anyway. No offence though.

I saw a quote yesterday which Xiong posted on FB. I found it meaningful and kinda motivating. It says that we should not have been upset with the unchangeable facts that have already become the past, but we should really work more assiduously for the changeable future!

In a nutshell, I've gotta work harder in next semester to pump up my CGPA. T.T That sounds hard. =(

Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday celebration for aunty

Yesterday was my beloved aunt's birthday, most of us (all my cousins, the other uncles and aunties) showed up and celebrated with her. All of us really enjoyed the celebration.

Let me show you some piccaz taken on yesterday night. Though there is only a few of them. Most of the piccaz are in my cousin's camera. =X

Celebrating at home~ Cousin bought her a mango delight from secret recipe. The cake did not taste that delicious afterall. xD

So excited. xD

Cameras and phones kept flashing around. =D

Singing the birthday song.

After that, we went to Cowboy Restaurant to continue the celebration. It is a western food restaurant anyway. I and my cousins then came out with an idea to give her a more surprisingly surprise. =P

We gave a note to the waitress and asked her to pass it to the restaurant singer. On the note we wrote some messages and birthday wishes specially for our aunt. The restaurant singer then read out the messages to public, and sang her a birthday song, and at the moment we sang together as well. Felt so nice. ^^

Us while waiting for the food to be served. XD

Had a great time that night. =)
I ate a lot too. Damn it. ==

Friday, August 21, 2009































































Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The end of semester

Final exam has finally come to an end, indicating that the first semester is over, too. xD
I feel kinda relaxed now. All of us have been rushing like there's no tomorrow in past few weeks. Now I can do whatever I wanted to but afraid to do during exam weeks, such as watching drama, playing online game and many more! My mum and sister kept opening drama during my revision, damn it.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is basically to summarize the semester. Upon my bro's request, I will express out my feeling toward all my friends in UCSI. = =
Well, let's start off with............ the guys gang 1st~

A person who is helpful and often treats friendship important. I feel so proud to have such a bro like him. xD He loves to scold me when playing Dota though. I feel so noob! =.= Oh ya, Mr.See was also the first friend I got to know in UCSI. =)

Enoch Xiong da ge!
Another great brother who is undoubtedly intelligent, although I don't wanna admit it. =P He is also a "3H" guy! Why? Hilarious+Humorous+Horny! Blek~

Pika's full name is Choong Yew Hong~ Shawn's? Shi Kiat I think? xD
Well, they both are hilarious too! My lifespan will definitely shorten for 1 year everytime I chat with them on MSN. *counting... counting... how many times have I chatted with them already!? I have not much lifetime left! T.T* Anyway, they are nice and great. *ueek*

Although I ain't that close to him yet, but I personally think that he is a very smart guy who will surely excel in his studies. =D

A super thin guy! I feel so jealous of his body size. T.T I would rather shorten my life for 10 years if I were granted such a thin body size. o.O"" Despite being not so close with him, I personally think he is also a nice guy. =D

Now, the girls gang! Apparently the number of male constitutes very little in class. @.@"

She was the first girl I got to know in UCSI. (I think..) In my opinion, she is a hot, cheerful and very easy-going girl. xD Jesse the Hot Chocolate~~

Tiffany aka dai bag por!
Wow, my lab group leader! Muahahaha! A fierce+cruel+heart-less+cold-blooded leader~~ Just kidding! Haha. Tiff is so kind and nice lar. She loves to laugh. She loves to joke. She can almost laugh at every little thing, so do I. =.=

Pretty oh~ Lesley don't be perasan later ya~ Haha! Another love-to-laugh girl. But the only difference is that her voice is much sharper in tone? @@"

S.H.E ya? Haha! Well, three of them are cute and...shopaholic? Shopping with them are kind of killing me. O.O" Oh ya, they like to bully me also. wuwu~

Haha! This cola? She loves to bully me lor, and she seems to enjoy it. Bian tai oh~ = = Another crazy shopaholic too.

A very quite and little cute girl. o.O

Lazy specky girls~ @@"
Kelly's got a maggie-mee hairstyle~ Yum yum~ When sitting behind her in class, her hair tends to stimulate my hunger wtf. = =
Kaizhen looks quiet, but she is ge-po in fact. xD

Wow, a girl from China! Haha. Feel great to have a friend from foreign country. =D Well, she is cute and funny man. I love to joke with her, because she can nearly laugh at my every little joke. =P

Listerine? Just kidding. A very sweet and talkative girl! xD

Two little girls who look quite, but I think they are very ge-po and talkative also one~ Hehe!

Tall and pretty!!! xD

Cheerful and sunny girl! =D

Another cheerful and sunny girl! =D

So far that's all I could describe. I know there are some more in class, but I ain't that close with them yet. I promise this won't happen in the next semester. =)

Anyway, it was really a happy and sweet semester. All of us have had sooo much fun together. xD Thx!

kena tag~

1、被點名的人在我空間將這篇文章轉載到自己空間中,然後在編輯, 刪去我的答案,要在自己的Q空間裡寫下自己的答案,然後傳給其他人, 列出個需要回答問題的人的名字,通知對方被點名了, 被點名者不得拒絕回答問題,完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的祝福。
2 、這個人要在自己的Q空間裡註明是從哪裡接到問題的, 並且再想一個題目傳給其他個人,讓幸福的遊戲繼續下去。
3 、不能回傳,否則犯規!
4 、被點到名字的人將得到大家的祝福,並且所有的美麗願望都會在不久後實現。
5、請點10個朋友, 不准不點,點完後請通知那10個老朋友他們被點!

Q01、你的大名?★ 梁志豪,朋友都叫我 kevin 或 豪豪~
Q02、你認為什麼才算是真正幸福?★ 健康与简单的生活~
Q03、你們覺得友情重要還是愛情重要,為什麼?★ 我不是重色轻友的人咯!
Q04、你相信天長地久嗎?★ 说真的,不是很相信。
Q05、你現在過得快樂麼?★ 算是不错了。
Q06、如果有秘密,你真的會做到坦白的告訴對方嗎?★ 我觉得会。
Q07、喜歡小Baby嗎?★ 当然!成为我的孩子肯定会超幸福的说。
Q08、覺得友情是永遠的麼?★ 对啊!我相信朋友的定义是:“昨天,今天,和永远!”
Q09、希望自己多大結婚?★ 看缘分。还有……如果有人要我的话。><"
Q10、你會為他做自己從來不會做的事情?★ 如果你是真的爱一个人,答案应该是“会”!
Q11、你覺得女生捲髮好還是直發好?★ 我喜欢短直发~~ *害羞中*
Q12、最想去哪裡旅遊?★ 日本!台湾!总之有美食的地方就行了!
Q13、一輩子都不會忘記的事?★ 不想提起………………
Q14、如果愛一個人,是不是要拼命挽回他?★ 我觉得我会吧……虽然是说勉强没幸福……
Q15、看到天空你想起的第一個人是誰?★ 爸爸妈妈……
Q16、你會愛他一輩子麼?★ 谁?我现在都没有女朋友!
Q17、喜歡你的人和你喜歡的人,你會選哪個?★ 身为男生,我选择喜欢她。
Q18、你會以何種方式表現你對他(她)的愛?★ 温柔对待她~ 宠她~
Q19、如果看到自己最愛的人熟睡在你面前你會做什麼?抱著他?★ 偷偷吻她~~~的嘴唇。
Q20、如果你想痛扁一個人,你希望那個人是?★ Xiong ,因为他耐打~ 打到我手残废他都没事。
Q21、你會後悔過自己的決定嗎?★ 很多时候都会。
Q22、現在最迷什麼?★ 电脑。
Q23、你是好孩子嗎?★ 废话。
Q24、覺得愛情和麵包哪個重要?★ 睬你都傻,两个都要。
Q25、如果你失戀了你會怎麼樣?★ 哭,哭,哭……然后找朋友倾诉。
Q26、如果你的BF(GF)經常不回家的話,你會怎樣?★ 问她原因咯。
Q27、现在给你勇气,你最想做些什么事?★ 勇气 dai sai meh?

Q01、是誰傳給你這份問卷的?★ wenwen
Q02、你們認識多久呢?★ 大概三个月?
Q03、TA對你來說重要嗎?★ ok 啊~
Q04、你與TA的關係是?★ 朋友咯~
Q05、請問TA的興趣是?★ 网上聊天?
Q06、你覺得TA的個性如何?★ 非常的文静……
Q07、TA在你心目中是幾分?★ 72.45%……
Q08、睡覺前第一件事?開風扇?喝水?★ 冲凉洗脸~
Q09、你的偶像?★ S.H.E, JJ
Q10、你喜歡的季節?★ 春季~ 冬季~
Q11、你打工麼?★ 有……
Q12、打工次數?★ 两次……
Q13、你想去的國家?★ 去看回第十二题~
Q14、你討厭什麼樣的個性?★ 为了自己的利益而背叛别人的坏人,尤其是那些甚至背叛自己朋友的坏人。
Q15、你會抽煙麼?★ 现在没有。
Q16、你會喝酒麼?★ 会点点吧~
Q17、你常哭麼?★ 哈哈哈,我不跟你讲~
Q18、你常笑麼?★ 我很爱笑哦!
Q19、你喜歡去哪玩?★ 哪里都行, 有食物就行了~
Q20、去玩時喜歡自己一個人去麼?★ 看情况...
Q21、是假日時你都睡到幾點?★ 2-3pm xD
Q22、今天的天氣是?★ 阴天
Q23、你們知道最遠的距離是什麽嗎?★ 唉...

Q1、我的BGM好听么?★ 应该没有吧?
Q2、你的皮包里有什么说说吧?★ 纸币, 零钱, 身份证, license, 大头贴, 平安符...
Q3、你生命中最重要的人是?★ 家人, 朋友, 还有我的另一半...
Q4、啥东西是你喜欢吃的呀?★ 很多哦... 除了大蒜和葱头!
Q5、现在有喜欢的人吗?★ 应该是没有 @@"
Q6、你還喜歡他(她)嗎?★ 都说没有咯! 谁来给我喜欢?
Q7、你觉得我坏吗?★ 不会吧?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy birthday to my bro

Wow, someone's birthday has come!! Hehehehe...

Who is he??? Mr. See Zen Siong!! My buddy, happy birthday!!!!!!

See Zen Xiong aka Mr. See

Nah, these are the cakes for you~ cute hor? xD
They are not edible though.. =S
But we have already eaten the real one today, right? =P

Touched or not? Hehehehe..

I hereby wish all you all the best, and all your dreams will come true!!!!! +_+

p/s: more photos which were taken in the celebration would be uploaded in the coming post~

Monday, August 3, 2009


It's 8 am now. It is super rare that I can actually wake up at such an early time and blog here. These days I have not been sleeping well. Due to stress? Because exam is around the corner? I don't really think so. I am totally relaxing here. = = Why? Haha. I can't give myself an answer though. Oh ya, I am a procrastinator! Perhaps that could be the best reason.

Deng, it's been three days. And I have done nothing yet these three days. Sucks. I do not have ample time to relax here and slack around anymore! I must start to rush, start to strive in no time. Otherwise, I would get killed and devastated in the exam hall. On the examination day, you would most probably be seeing me opening the paper, staring at it for around 5 seconds, and starting to cry. Haha! Sounds bad, isn't it? zzz

If I were a superman, I would rather go and destroy the whole building of UCSI so that we won't be sitting for exam until they repair it up. xD
If I were a doraemon, I would use the time-control machine to stop the time flow so that I can have more time to study than anyone else does out there. xD

Ya, I knew it's childish! Oh well, I gotta get back to study now. Just stop crapping around. Haha. Otherwise people would think I have really gone crazy. - - CiaoZzz

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The end of teaching weeks..

14 weeks have just passed off in a blink of an eye. Here comes the study week. After that the final exam will come next. Haha.

All of us have been rushed in a past few weeks with loads of assignments, reports, quizzes and presentations. Wow, I can't believe we could actually get through it. That was just challenging and torturing.

I'd been presenting twice too, and the feeling was just great! I was kind of nervous though. =(
I swear I'd do better next time if I am given opportunity to present again.

Here I'd like to share with you guys some of the photos taken on biology assignment presentation day. xD

The team of elites. (haha! just kidding =D ishhh)
From left; Tiffany, Mr.See, Eva, Janice, Me and Xiong
Too bad Lesley, Jesse and MaNi went back already.

Us again. xD
(the stuff on Janice's hand is actually
our heart model that was presented)

Tiffany and Eva~

Wow, kena attack. = =

Janice and Tiffany~

Tiffany, Eva and pass-byer Ally~ Haha!

Tiffany and Janice with our model~

Tze Ying and Adeleen~

Xiong's yam xiu (evil smile). o.O

Tiffany and Mr.See~

Lesley and Mr.See~

Me before presenting.
(I was smiling, but my heart was beating
1000 times per minute in fact =D)

Tiffany and Me~

Tiffany and Janice~ (both of u again??? = =)

Me presenting~ XD

Xiong presenting~

Tiffany doing her introduction~ Haha!

Good job!

People watching us presenting. =D
(eee? why was Mr.See sitting there?? xD)

Lesley and Jesse watching us too~
They were actually preparing to jot down
the questions that would be asked later by lecturers.

See the lecturers? Ms.Lai, Mr.Vee and Mr.Raj

Wow, technical problem occured.
Tiffany was damn gan jiong and scratching her head off! Haha!

Ms.Lai came and tried to help us out. >.<

Tiffany emo-ing before presenting~ XD

Ms.Lai and Mr.Raj~

Anyway, I'd like to thank all my group members for doing such a great job to the assignment! Oh well many technical problems occurred during our presentation, we have done a great job though! XD We also managed to keep the presentation going smoothly until the end. Haha! Proud proud!